In this Global and Dynamic scenario, where competition is challenging and market share needs to be gained and sustained every day, our commitment is to develop solutions that allow our clients to reach the target goals in the market they play.

Each company and business have a particular dynamic and specific needs that need to be evaluated, assessed and understood in order to propose alternatives and strategies that improve market efficiency, market share gain and consolidation, geographic expansion, new product development and presence in new markets. Such strategies aim to overcome obstacles and competition with a Physical Distribution Strategy, synchronized and with inter-departmental synergy  placing the right product in the right place at the right time.


Finding suppliers and products are not just simple activities, and can become expensive depending on location of the product or service needed.

With the knowledge of such factors we offer our Procurement structure to locate suppliers, products and services with MERCOSUL origin to meet the needs of Global demand.


Tel.: +55 11 4335-0552
E-mail: eurotec@eurotec.com.br